The Pyramids of El-Giza

Located on the outskirts of Cairo, this pyramid is the largest of the three and is estimated to have been completed in 2570 bc. destined to house the body of Khufu, then pharaoh of the fourth dynasty of Ancient Egypt and also known as Cheops who had ordered to build a tomb that by its height should hide the Sun.

The pyramids of Giza, one of the Seven Wonders of the World

The architect who carried out the work was Hemiunu, a relative of pharaoh, who revolutionized the laws of physics by building what was then and well into the 19th century was the tallest construction in the world.

Few places are identified as immediately as the pyramids of Giza. Buildings with millennia of history and yet remain the most splendid legacy of Ancient Egypt of the Pharaohs. An exciting visit for lovers of art, architecture and mysteries, since surrounding them there are countless history and also legends.

Pirámides de Guiza

Pyramids of Giza

The Seven Wonders of the Modern World have recently been named, but the pyramids of Giza were part of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World. In fact, they are the only one of these mythical monuments that has come to this day.

And really, in their geometric simplicity they are of enormous beauty. In addition to having incredible dimensions, which has caused it not to be known for sure how they could be built 4,500 years ago.

Where are and what the pyramids of Giza are like

As the name suggests, these constructions are located in the place of Ghiza or Gizah. Although in practice, this place, already at the entrance to the desert, is currently almost attached to the city of Cairo, one of the largest metropolises in the world.

The largest of Egypt’s pyramids

Gran Pirámide de GuizaThe Great Pyramid

The classic print of the pyramids of Giza is the one that shows its three main pyramids. It’s Cheops’s, Chephren’s and Mikerinos’s. The oldest and tallest of all is that of Pharaoh Cheops, who raised his pyramid to 146 meters high.

More data can be given, such as 2 million stones, and they usually weigh about 2 tons. But the big question is how it was built, and no one can insure it for sure.

Much has been speculated, but no theory is completely satisfactory to explain how this monument was erected in the middle of the desert and with the instrumental and science of the time. Therefore, the most crazy theories have emerged. But what is known is that Cheops himself was admired by her, although it took 20 years to build.

The Pyramid of Chephren

Pirámide de Kefrén en GuizaThe Pyramid of Chephren

Cheops’ successor was Kephren and another magnificent pyramid was also built, although it did not reach the height of the previous one. However, it has better preserved its external adornment. Yes, because you must imagine that the huge pyramids of Giza did not look like today, but were covered with fine limestone, which gave them an even more majestic and elegant look.

Mikerinos and his grave

The third of the famous pyramids of Giza is that of Pharaoh Mikerinos, son and grandson of the previous ones. He was already less ambitious in raising his grave, and his pyramid “alone” reaches 70 meters in height. However, archaeologists have been able to study inside the burial complex, in which the pharaoh would be buried.

Most attractive in the Giza Pyramids

Gran Esfinge en GizahThe Great Sphinx

These three pyramids are the most famous, large and beautiful, but in Giza there are other minor ones, which belonged to other relatives of the pharaohs of that fourth dynasty of about the twentieth century BC. It’s all a lavish funeral ensemble.

But there is another element capable of attracting the eyes of tourists who come here every day: the Great Sphinx. In Egyptian art museums, such as the one in Cairo, there are abundant sculptures of sphinx. I mean, beings with lion bodies and a human’s head. But none is as spectacular as the one next to the pyramids of Giza.

A grandiose sculpture about 20 meters high that was contemporaneous to the pyramids. In fact, he may have had Chephren built to be the guardian of the sacred enclosure, and it is even said that this pharaoh was portrayed to face the figure.

Pirámides de Guiza

Atef Gomaa

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