The Pyramid of Khafra (Chephren)

The pyramid of Chephren, often referred to as “the second pyramid”, is built near the great pyramid of Khufu (Cheops). Chephren is the son of and successor Khufu and Hensuten. The other son of the Khufu and also successor, Ra’djedef, began to build his own pyramid at Abu Rawash, which is north of Giza. The Chephren pyramid is designed more modestly than Khufu. The pyramid of Chephren was originally shorter than 10 feet (3m) and 48 feet (14.6m) more than the base. The estimated weight of all the stones in the pyramid is 4,880,000 tons. Since it is built higher on the plateau, it looks higher from most corners than the Khufu pyramid. The slope of the corners is higher, 53 degrees compared to 51 degrees of Khufu.

There is no evidence that anyone was ever buried in the main housing. No inscription was found in the pyramid, however there is a sarcophagus in the main housing. There are two entrances leading into the pyramid that are arranged directly on top of each other. The upper entrance is 50 feet (15m) above the ground. This is what is now used for entry. A narrow passage leads into a large limestone housing. This step descends at a 25-degree angle to the housing. The walls are lined with red granite. This internal housing is quite large, 46.5’x 16.5’x 22.5′(14.2m x 5m x 6.9m). The roof of the housing is adjusted to the same corners of the face of the pyramid. This is intended to take the weight of the pyramid, as is the relief housings in the pyramid of Khufu. The roof apparently designed this sense worked, the pyramid did not sink. The lower corridor is directly under the upper corridor. This lower corridor has once contained the portcullis, able to be left down to prevent entry. This corridor declines on the same angle as the upper and finally joins in the upper. Once joined, the passage leads into the inner housing. It is located in the lower passage a burial housing that is apparently unfinished and unused. It’s in the fresh rock under the pyramid. The passage leads through this housing and joins the upper corridor.

The upper part of the pyramid still has any of the limestone hooping that once covered the entire pyramid. There may be a change in the method of placing the blocks that kept these parts still intact. It gives the appearance of a white protection at the top of the pyramid. As was the pyramid of Khufu, the pyramid of Chephren had been looted before it was inserted in 1818 by Belzoni.

The mortuary temple of Chephren is to the east of the pyramid and the better preserved than the temple of the Khufu. The temple of the Chephren is more elaborate, although the statues and the other meet were stolen than his father. Some of the limestone walls had the granite frame, which is still present in some places. The parts of small sanctuary, outhouses, courtyard and large corridor with columns still remain. A causeway that connected the mortuary temple to the temple of the valley better is preserved than any other causeway. It was hidden in the sands until Mariette found it in 1852. The causeway is 500m long and has been lined with red granite that protects the limestone. There are two entrances to the temple that face the east and lead into a T-shaped corridor that has huge columns. Twenty-three statues of Chephren were found in this hallway. The only one that remains intact is in the Egyptian museum. This statue, which is possibly the most famous Egyptian statue, shows Chephren sitting in his throne with a perched hawk on the back of the throne. The housings can be found from the south side of the corridor, but a passage that has joined the causeway is now closed out to guests.

Atef Gomaa

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