
The Monastery of Al Paramos


The Coptic monastery of Baramos is located in Wadi El Natrun, Beheira Governorate, about 100 km Northwest of Cairo.

History of the Monastery

The monastery of Baramos has a rich history. The Monastery got its name, which means “two Romans” in translation, thanks to two Roman hermits. They lived in a cave, completely renouncing worldly goods, and attended Church services. They were buried there, within the monastery walls.

What to see at the Monastery

The architectural design of The baramos monastery is quite simple and restrained, which is primarily due to its small size. The main decorative elements are beautiful wood carvings and monumental paintings of the XIII century.

Already in our days — at the beginning of the twentieth century, a new Church of John the Baptist was built next to the ancient temple. On the walls of the temple is a magnificent iconostasis of red color, the images on which are made in the Byzantine style. It is worth seeing the Husn tower, built in the VI century and made in the same style as the rest of the buildings of the monastery.

Around the monastery there is a high fence separating the land for farming and cattle breeding.

Guests can dine in the refectory at the stone table, where you can feel transported to the past. For tourists, many elements of traditional Coptic life are preserved here: pottery, tools — Museum exhibits that have recently served people in everyday life.

Monastery-of-Al_Baramos Monastery-of-Al_Baramos

Atef Gomaa

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