Fort Qaiyet Bay – Alexandria

The Foros of Alexandria or lighthouse – one of the seven wonders of the world, was destroyed to the very Foundation in 1100 as a result of a major earthquake. It was a colossal structure at that time with a height of 120 meters and according to some sources the light of the lighthouse was visible for fifty kilometers. The lighthouse was located on a very favorable location and at one time illuminated the way of ships, allowing them to skirt the reef shoals. The ruins did not stand for long, and already in 1477, the Sultan of Qaietbay built a Fort on the site of the lighthouse-the Qaietbay Fort to protect the entrance to the Eastern Harbor. At the same time, the remaining the podium of the Alexandrian lighthouse became the Foundation of the fortress, and the stone blocks that were formed as a result of the destruction served as the main building material for the construction of the Fort.
Since its construction, the citadel of Qaietbay has been an important Outpost in the Mediterranean sea and, occupying a strategic position, has repeatedly taken the brunt of enemy attacks, being subjected to repeated destruction. After each attack, the Fort was repaired and expanded so that it could once again resist the attacks of the enemy, defending its hometown from the sea.

After the conquest of these territories by the Turks, the fortress did not lose its positions, but its garrison could not offer a worthy resistance to the invasion of Napoleon’s troops, so it was practically not damaged. However, the French did not attach any importance to Qaietbay, so the Fort was abandoned for a long time.
In 1805, the Fort of Kite Bay was completely renovated by Muhammad Ali, who equipped it with modern guns. Since then, the fortress has been repeatedly attacked and survived many battles,but it has not suffered major damage. Finally, in 1904, it was finally reconstructed as the estate of king Faruk and has preserved its appearance to this day. And after the revolution in 1952, a Museum complex with a historical Museum and a Museum of marine biology was created in the fortress of Kite Bay. There is also a hydro biological Museum in front of the Fort with many aquariums. Here is such a difficult fate for the” successor ” of the Alexandria lighthouse of Fort Kite Bay. Many interesting legends are connected with its history. It will be interesting for both adults and children to visit the territory of the Fort and the Museum complex, and the latter will like the aquariums of the hydro biological Museum with a lot of marine life. It should be added that the territory of the fortress and the Museum complex are available to the attention of visitors on any day from 09:00 to 17:00.

Qayet Bay Fort - Alexandria
Qayet Bay Fort – Alexandria

Address: As Sayalah Sharq, Qesm Al Gomrok, El Alexandria Governorate, Egypt
Opening hours: daily 8-17*
* Opening hours may vary

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